2019’s Most Popular Strains

2019’s Most Popular Strains

πŸ•‘ Reading Time: 4 minutesWith a countless number of cannabis strains entering the market, it’s difficult to sift through the standard varieties to find the hidden gems. Ordinary strains are being pushed aside for these up-and-coming exotic varieties. Join us as we...
Cannabis Ruderalis

Cannabis Ruderalis

πŸ•‘ Reading Time: 6 minutesYou may have heard of cannabis indica and cannabis sativa but have you heard of cannabis ruderalis? Many people are only aware of an indica, sativa or a hybrid of the two because the spotlight has been on them for a long time. However, there’s...
Edibles vs Alcohol

Edibles vs Alcohol

πŸ•‘ Reading Time: 5 minutesEDIBLES VS ALCOHOL Which do you think is better for consumption: edibles or alcohol? The edibles vs. alcohol debate have been raging for some time, and it’s becoming more popular than ever. Giving a straightforward answer to the question can...
What are edibles?

What are edibles?

πŸ•‘ Reading Time: 12 minutesWhat are edibles? Everything about cannabis edibles.   Edibles are various food like chocolate bars, candies, or mixture that have been infused or baked with adding cannabis. They are also called a variety of names like hash cakes,...
How to Consume Cannabis – Best Ways

How to Consume Cannabis – Best Ways

Just as there are many strains of marijuana, there are many ways to consume it in order to enjoy maximum effects. However, it is important to note that some of these options may not be available in some countries, therefore, consider finding out the options which the laws of your state permit.

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