Jun 13, 2021 | Canna-science, News, Recreational
Being faced with a looming drug test is the worst-case scenario for every stoner. Whether you’ve been caught smoking by your parents, are required to take a pee test for work, or have a court-ordered UA on the horizon, a surprise test will ruin the day of anyone who has recently smoked marijuana.
Nov 13, 2020 | Featured, Recreational
California is home to nearly 40 million people, and with over 6 million active cannabis users, it’s no wonder why the Golden State is home to the most massive cannabis boom. As you drive…
Apr 19, 2020 | Featured, News, Recreational
The entire world has come to an unprecedented halt due to the ongoing effects of the novel Coronavirus. However, the most notable cannabis holiday of the year, 4/20, is rapidly approaching. Notable for the massive crowds that fill the air with…
Mar 18, 2020 | News, Pinned, Recreational
The world is currently experiencing the most unprecedented event that has upended the daily lives of billions of people. The novel Coronavirus is currently sinking the global financial system, closing schools, and shuttering businesses…
Mar 1, 2020 | Featured, Recreational
You might wonder – how is it that a cannabis delivery service benefits a community? Although cannabis delivery services offer top-shelf THC and CBD-rich products – they also offer something more to the community at large…
Jan 31, 2020 | Featured, Recreational
🕑 Reading Time: 4 minutesWhile much of the cannabis industry has seen relatively healthy growth, the edible industry has quickly re-entered the spotlight due to cannabis 2.0. With new regulations in place and the legalization in Canada in effect, edibles are on the...