Can you fail a drug test from secondhand smoke?
As marijuana use becomes more socially acceptable in the United States, it's essential to keep yourself protected from failing a drug test, even if you are a nonsmoker. In theory, secondhand marijuana smoke could trigger a THC-positive drug test, but the chances are...

Do edibles make your eyes red
Without getting into detail, yes, food infused with THC will still trigger the tell-tale sign that you are high out of your mind, bloodshot eyes. While it is natural to think that inhaling the hot smoke from a burned cannabis flowers is what makes our eyes red, the...

What are moon rocks? Cannabis moon rocks. Moonrock weed
We've moved far past picking out seeds and stems, rolling up, and enjoying the effects. The legalization of medical marijuana in California in the 1990s kicked off a cannabis movement fueled by creating products with incredible potency levels. What started as...

Does cranberry juice help you pass a drug test
🕑 Reading Time: 4 minutesBeing faced with a looming drug test is the worst-case scenario for every stoner. Whether you’ve been caught smoking by your parents, are required to take a pee test for work, or have a court-ordered UA on the horizon, a surprise test will ruin the day of anyone who has recently smoked marijuana.

Mitigating and Preventing the Spread of COVID-19
We are open during pandemic! Both, our storefront and delivery. Starting Wednesday, March 18, 2020 we would be open during regular business hours. Both, store (staring 8am) and delivery (starting 10am) would remain open during pandemic. During this time we will be...

Cannabis and COVID. Can marijuana cure coronavirus?
🕑 Reading Time: 7 minutesWhen news broke that a novel strain of Coronavirus appeared in Wuhan, China, in late 2019 — the world looked the other way.
Soon enough, reports of COVID-19 surfaced in various countries…