Everything You Need to Know About Cannabis Delivery in California
🕑 Reading Time: 5 minutesCalifornia is home to nearly 40 million people, and with over 6 million active cannabis users, it’s no wonder why the Golden State is home to the most massive cannabis boom. As you drive…

Everything You Need to Know About Cannabis, The Immune System, and COVID-19
🕑 Reading Time: 4 minutesCurrently, the entire world is focused on one thing — COVID-19. The unprecedented scale of infections, deaths, and economic fallout has turned the world upside down. Instead of summer plans and…

Racial Inequality in The Cannabis Industry
🕑 Reading Time: 4 minutesThe cannabis industry is a lucrative sector that’s become a tour-de-force throughout the world. However, there is a dark side to the cannabis industry that isn’t often spoken about, let alone acknowledged. Before the cannabis industry was legitimized…

How to Celebrate 4/20 in the Age of Coronavirus
🕑 Reading Time: 5 minutesThe entire world has come to an unprecedented halt due to the ongoing effects of the novel Coronavirus. However, the most notable cannabis holiday of the year, 4/20, is rapidly approaching. Notable for the massive crowds that fill the air with…

How to Buy Cannabis in the Age of Coronavirus
🕑 Reading Time: 6 minutesThe world is currently experiencing the most unprecedented event that has upended the daily lives of billions of people. The novel Coronavirus is currently sinking the global financial system, closing schools, and shuttering businesses…

8 Reasons Why Cannabis Delivery Services Benefit the Community
🕑 Reading Time: 5 minutesYou might wonder – how is it that a cannabis delivery service benefits a community? Although cannabis delivery services offer top-shelf THC and CBD-rich products – they also offer something more to the community at large…