What are edibles? Everything about cannabis edibles.
Edibles are various food like chocolate bars, candies, or mixture that have been infused or baked with adding cannabis. They are also called a variety of names like hash cakes, medibles, space crackers, etc.
Edibles are great alternative for those who want to reap the benefits of medical marijuana without having to smoke or vape the plant. Usually edibles contain a higher concentration of THC and can take a bit longer time to have an effect, unlike smoking and vaporizing cannabis.

What are edibles?
Nevertheless, when eaten responsibly, the use of edibles is a great way to medicate without getting squeamish about smoking it. Popular examples of cannabis edibles are special weed brownies, no-bake cookies, marijuana tea, cannabis butter, weed ice cream, magic pancakes, butter cookies, etc.
How does it Work?
Eating or drinking raw cannabis seldom produces much effect. Human cannabinoid receptors can only effectively react with the pleasure-producing molecules when a carbon molecule is killed off. This process is referred to as carbon conversion and occurs when cannabis is exposed to heat, fat or alcohol source. Thus, people smoke, vape or consume cannabis as edibles to aid the conversion as opposed to drinking or eating the raw plant.
A good way to understand how edibles are made is first to realize that cannabis is fat soluble – meaning it dissolves best in oil. It is typically infused into butter or mixed with cooking oil which can then be used to make delicious treats. Ground cannabis can also be added to coffee or any food item without adding the much noticeable difference in taste.
People who want to take cannabis without smoking or vaping it can purchase pre-made edibles or make theirs at home using cannabis oils or by adding ground cannabis to their foods.
Unlike smoking where cannabis enters the body through inhalation before the effects are realized, edibles produce the effects of cannabis in the body through gastrointestinal uptake, oral uptake or the combination of the two.
Gastrointestinal Uptake: Gastrointestinal uptake refers to the means by which cannabis is not absorbed in the body until it gets to the stomach. This method often takes longer for the cannabis to be absorbed in the body (like the foods we eat) but the effects can last longer than other types of edibles.
Oral Uptake: These types of edibles are made with the intent of oral absorption. Since the absorption occurs in the mouth and not the stomach, the effects are quick to kick in but can also wear off faster. Oral uptake edibles work best for patients who are seeking quick relief through cannabis.
Hybrid Uptake: Hybrid uptake edibles offer the best of both worlds. It combines gastrointestinal and oral absorption to provide patients with a fast-acting relief while also providing long-acting effects.
How much is a Dose?
One of the main reasons why so many people are reluctant to make their edibles at home is because they fear consuming too much. This fear is not out of place as it is important to make sure you take the right dose, especially if you’re using it as a medication. In such cases, you can go for the professionally dosed products dispensaries offer.
However, just because you purchase an entire cookie of chocolate bar that has been infused with cannabis doesn’t mean you should eat them all in one sitting. Additionally, you may have developed a high tolerance for smoking or vaporizing marijuana, but you must also keep in mind that edibles are processed by a different system in your body. Your digestive system is a newbie to cannabis even if you’re not one.
Generally, a dose is considered to contain 10 grams of marijuana. However, since everyone is unique in terms of metabolism, tolerance, etc, the perfect dosage is also different for each person. The perfect dosage refers to the amount of cannabis a patient needs at a particular time given their peculiarities which can vary from patient to patient.
If you’re new to consuming edibles, it is recommended you start with half of a dose or less. It is also recommended that you don’t consume edibles on an empty stomach as it may intensify the effects. Hence, you can pre-snack before consuming edibles.
What Are The Effects Of Edibles?
Edibles are becoming a favorite pastime for people who don’t agree to the principle of smoking or cannot tolerate smoke. However, the effects vary and are typically dependent on your body chemistry, your tolerance and how much regular food you have eaten before consuming edibles.
Consuming edibles is known to give patients a calmer, more relaxing high than smoking. Many people who have who have smoked cannabis and eaten edibles report that while smoking tends to give them a “head” high, consuming edibles gives them a “body” high.
Going further, smoking is known to give a quick hit as you can expect to feel the effects almost immediately. However, the effects wear off in about 1-2 hours which mean patients may need to smoke some more if they want to experience the effects again. The effect of edibles, on the other hand, takes about 30 to 90 minutes to start. The good news is that the effects are also long-lasting – up to 12 hours in some cases (which is more helpful to medical marijuana patients.)
Additionally, many people abstain from smoking as it is known to have a negative impact on a person’s health. Leveraging on this disadvantage, edibles are now a popular alternative as they don’t have any negative impact on a person’s health. Moreover, edibles are a better choice if you’re looking to ingest cannabis discreetly and even in places where smoking is banned.
How Can I Eat Responsibly?
There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to consuming edibles as several factors go into how edibles affect you. For a start, you should keep in mind that edibles are not FD-regulated which means there can be huge variations inconsistency of the products. Don’t be surprised if the same type of cookie from two different shops produces different effects.
While each serving is typically limited to a maximum of 10 milligrams of THC, a single bar of chocolate that is infused with cannabis can contain up to 100 milligrams. One of the best ways to consume edibles is to resists the urge to eat too much at once. If you eat too much at once even before the effects kick in, you could be in for a nasty surprise.
In all, you want to keep these simple reminders in mind to stay safe:
- Eat a meal before you medicate
- Ask your budtender to make sure you’re taking the right edible and dose
- Start with a minimum dose and wait for two hours before eating more
- If you eat an overdose, wait for some hours before eating more. Trying to correct an overdose is counterproductive as it can force your system to digest the cannabis faster.
How Can I Handle Over-Consumption?
Although it is recommended that you wait for about two hours to assess how you feel before taking more, many consumers can be caught off-guard by the stronger potency and long-lasting effects of edibles. While you can experience an overdose of edibles consumption, it’s not considered a life-threatening situation as you cannot die from it.
Popular signs of edibles overdose include paranoia, dizziness, lack of coordination, psychotic episodes, impaired motor ability, and hallucinations. If you experience these signs, you should close your eyes and drink lots of water. But if the effects are getting stronger than you can naturally handle, a CBD tincture or any other pure CDB edible can help. You can also use your CBD vape pen to see if it helps ameliorate the effects. Taking a good nap after the effects wear off should also help you feel better.
Why Do Edible Marijuana Products Seem Stronger?
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the key ingredient in marijuana that produces the psychotic effects you feel when you consume the plant. Its amount varies in different marijuana products, making it difficult to know and control how much THC you want to consume. If you’re making the edibles at home, the amount of THC can even be higher than the products sold at dispensaries.
Furthermore, if you have other medications in your system, your body may metabolize different amounts of THC which can cause the THC levels in your bloodstream to increase five-fold. For this reason, it is advised to start with a minimum dose and work your way up when consuming edibles.
How Should Edibles Be Stored?
Since edibles and their packaging typically look like other foods and drinks, many people tend to easily confuse them for non-marijuana products. Because of this, it is strongly advised to keep edibles locked up and out of reach of children and pets.
Finally, edibles are essentially food items made with marijuana and are becoming a popular way to consume the drug. Although they contain a higher concentration of the plant compared to smoking, they have no negative impact on the body, especially when eaten responsibly.
Should edibles be eaten on an empty stomach?
Edibles are not usual foods because of the marijuana-infused into them which is why you should always eat a meal before consuming them. When consumed on an empty stomach, the effects tend to kick in faster and maybe a little more intense than usual. For safety purposes, it’s better to eat first and then medicate with edibles.
Do your eyes turn red from eating edibles?
Eating edibles can make your eyes turn red because of the presence of a high concentration of THC. One of the effects of THC is that it lowers your blood pressure which increases the flow of blood in the body due to the expansion of your blood vessels. The blood vessels in your eyes also take in more blood which is what makes your eyes appear redder in color.
Can you be hung-over from edibles?
The answer is two-sided. First, you can’t be hungover if you eat responsibly by not exceeding the dose that works for your system. However, if you eat more edibles than your body can tolerate, you’re likely to experience a hangover which includes brain fog, headaches, fatigue, and dehydration. If you’re not feeling well after consuming lots of edibles, drink a lot of water to stay hydrated and flush out your system. You can also exercise for about 20-30 minutes after which you should take a shower.
Do edibles lose their potency?
Edibles have a similar shelf life to a range of food products which makes edibles lose little to no potency over time. One of the best ways you can store edibles is by freezing them so you can make use of them again when you want them.
How to order edibles?
We have various selection of edibles. Please order a delivery from our menu or stop by and pick up in person. Our experienced budtenders will help you choose the best products!
How Can I Reduce The High From Edibles?
We’ve all been there: someone takes out a delicious looking edible, and you can’t resist. You’ve never seen a more mouth-watering brownie than this one, and you’re definitely in the mood to get high.
Fast forward a few hours, and you realize this isn’t what you were hoping for. The edible was packed with a sky-high amount of THC, and now you’re in the grips of an ever-growing high that’s becoming more intense with each passing minute. What can you do?
Before, most thought that you’d be locked into an unbearable high if you over-indulged in a potent edible. Luckily, there’s an option that will decrease the effects when you need it most. Cannabidiol has recently been discovered as an effective counter-drug to the psychoactive effects of THC.
CBD is a known allosteric modulator, which means that it reduces THC’s ability to bind to receptors located in your endocannabinoid system. These receptors, also known as the CB1 and CB2, play a significant role in your motor skills, memory function, and immune system.
When you consume THC-rich edibles, the THC makes its way to the CB1 and CB2 receptors. Once THC molecules bind to these various receptors, they effectively block the transmission signals that allow you to make coherent decisions and steady motor functions. This is why you feel high after consuming cannabis.
Alternatively, CBD decreases the size of these receptors and blocks THC from making contact, which effectively makes you feel less high. This is why it’s now recommended that you carry a small bottle of sublingual CBD products, such as CBD oil when partaking in THC-rich edibles.
Although CBD may not completely eradicate the high from edibles, it will reduce the majority of the effects, thus making the experience far more bearable and enjoyable.
Efficient Edibles
Groundbreaking extraction technology has fueled the growth of efficient edibles. These edibles are powered by THC distillate oil, which is at the forefront of cannabis concentrates. Known for its eye-popping 99% THC concentration, THC distillate oil has created safer edibles through accurate dosing and has simultaneously made traditional cannabutter obsolete.
The process of creating THC distillate oil starts with an initial ethanol bath that separates cannabinoids, terpenes, and lipids from the plant. It’s not until a further distillation process that requires short-path distillation equipment. Once the raw cannabis material is processed through short-path distillation equipment, it’s refined to an entirely pure product. Lipids, secondary cannabinoids, plant material, pigments, and terpenes are removed from the end product. THC distillate oil is pure THC, and it doesn’t taste or smell like anything.
The benefit of THC distillate oil, besides its outright potency, is its ability to be infused into any recipe that you can think of without influencing the aroma or flavor profile. Edible manufacturers and home chefs can place THC distillate oil into a carrier material, such as butter or oil, and cook like usual.
This new ability unleashes an entirely new form of cannabis-infused edibles. Since these edibles don’t taste or smell like cannabis, they actually taste like food. How many times have you taken a bite from an edible, only to taste the deep aroma of cannabis with each bite? THC distillate oil allows cannachefs to create great tasting food that’s filled with potent THC.
Since THC distillate oil routinely tests at 99% THC, it’s far easier to dose accordingly. This is because 1-gram of THC distillate oil contains at least 990-mg of THC. If this amount is cooked into an edible, then the edible can be broken down into an even amount of pieces. By having edibles that are dosed accordingly, you’ll be less likely to over-indulge.
Healthy Edibles
Many individuals are becoming aware of the benefits of eating healthy. This has created a demand for edibles that don’t contain preservatives, corn syrup, artificial coloring, or GMO products.
This has created a push for more organic and healthy edibles. Besides unhealthy additives, edibles are moving away from cannabutter due to its reputation for being unhealthy. Now, many edible companies are infusing their edibles with THC distillate oil because manufacturers only need a small amount of oil to create a potent product. This, in turn, reduces the need for butter or any other unhealthy oil.
Many edible manufacturers are now using beneficial oils, such as hemp seed oil, sunflower seed oil, extra-virgin olive oil, canola oil, and avocado oil. All of these oils have beneficial fats, such as polyunsaturated fats. These oils are known to reduce inflammation and insulin resistance, which are essential for those who are diabetic.
The Next Frontier For Edibles
Edibles are entering a new era as legalization marches forward. Cannachefs are becoming a reality, and storefront companies are beginning to crop up to offer cannabis-infused food to the masses.
Recreationally legal states such as California, Colorado, and others are paving the way for cannabis restaurants and cafes. This move will transform the cannabis industry entirely because it opens new precedence that has yet to be seen in the United States.
Everyone is aware of cannabis cafes in Amsterdam, but a cannabis restaurant and cafe in the U.S. is unheard of – up until now. One of the first companies that will likely offer this new form of cannabis consumption is Lowell Herb Co. in West Hollywood, California.
The interior is still being designed, but the city of West Hollywood has already given the green light to Lowell Herb Co. The roof-top terrace is expected to begin offering cannabis-infused haute cuisine sometime during 2019.
The fascinating aspect of this isn’t necessarily that you’ll be able to dine on cannabis-infused food, but rather, the entirely new direction that edibles are taking. As legalization takes root in various states, edibles are quickly transforming into something more than just a brownie or Rice Krispy treat.
Just as the cannabis industry has had to mature, so has each niche market, such as edibles. Cannabis enthusiasts are beginning to seek something more professional, and cannabis cuisine is taking the spotlight amongst those who consider themselves avant-garde in the marijuana community.
Cannachefs are beginning to be recognized across the legalized states as revolutionaries, bringing their customers a new way to enjoy cannabis. The experience is being broadened with exotic flavors and aromas.
Cannabis and food are closely intertwined, possibly because of the munchies that marijuana induces, but foodies far and wide are watching with eagerness as the first cannabis-oriented restaurants slowly begin to open their doors.
Updated Cannabis Laws
Recently, regulators have updated cannabis laws, specifically those of edibles. The major issues that lawmakers are going after are packaging techniques, advertising, additives, and dosage amounts.
Lawmakers have passed bills that require edible manufacturers to standardize their packaging. This means that you’ll no longer find edibles that are wrapped in the ubiquitous cellophane plastic that we’ve all come to know.
Now, edible manufacturers are required to place their edibles inside of a uniform packaging that’s child-resistant. This means that the package must be difficult for a child to open, and it must be labeled appropriately to avoid any confusion of its’ contents.
Clearly marked labels that the package contains cannabis is a must, and you’ll begin seeing large exclamation points that warn you that there’s THC in the product. Along with a warning, the package must also display THC content, lab results, the company’s information, and ingredients – clearly.
You’ll also begin to note that cannabis designs are no longer implementing cartoon characters or any other non-professional logo. This is because regulators demand that edible manufacturers no longer use imagery that attracts children to their products. This means that a stoned Mickey Mouse is entirely out of the equation for a cannabis logo.
Another blow to the cannabis industry is that edible manufacturers are no longer allowed to use additives. This includes sugar, caffeine, or anything that influences the taste aside from the main ingredients. The reason behind this is to push consumers away from over-indulging on sweet tasting cannabis-infused edibles. Lawmakers feel that this will reduce the number of individuals that call 9-1-1 due to over-consuming.
The biggest change that recent laws have incurred is the dosage limit. The law states that edible manufacturers are no longer allowed to offer single-serve packages that are over 10mg THC. If you offer a 100mg THC product, it must contain 10 separate 10mg THC packages to be deemed legal.
Cannabis advocates argue that this new law is generating a significant amount of waste, but regulators are holding steady to this new demand. This effects you because you’ll no longer to find a product that contains a certain dose unless you eat multiple products.
For many, 10mg THC is a minimal dose, so individuals will need to eat more to feel the effects. As many of you know, eating more isn’t what you’d like to do.
Ultimately, these new laws are meant to protect you. Children shouldn’t be attracted to cannabis edibles, and consumers shouldn’t be tricked into eating edibles that aren’t lab tested. Knowing what’s in your cannabis edibles is an incredibly important aspect of consuming marijuana-infused food, but it appears that these new laws will hold edible manufacturers responsible.